STW ITS Construction Inspection

/STW ITS Construction Inspection
STW ITS Construction Inspection2020-08-04T09:59:59+00:00

STW ITS Construction Inspection (PID 108769)

TEC was retained to complete a construction inspection task order contract related to all new ITS devices within the State of Ohio. This included CCTV, DMS and fiber installation. Our team ensured that all materials followed specification, qualified products lists and that the construction conformed to ODOT standards. TEC also performed maintenance inspections at existing ITS locations (includes filters, locks, and general cabinet cleaning) and filled out required inspection forms. In addition, TEC worked to complete the required materials testing, daily diaries, progress meetings, and scheduling tracking.  TEC was also responsible for ITS fiber optic and lighting cable location services throughout the entire state.

Owner: ODOT Central Office

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